What is Culinary BootCamp West Sonoma County?
Culinary BootCamp A rigorous task drive course designed to immerse the participants and expose them to the situations and conditions encountered working in a commercial foodservice operation.
What is the concept of Culinary BootCamp West Sonoma County?
Culinary BootCamp:  An intense hands-on course of tasks engaged in a focused manner to develop the ability to perform effectively in a specific type of dynamic environment.  This concept can be applied to a range of environments and situations.
What is Culinary BootCamp West Sonoma County history?
Culinary BootCamp:  Created to provide an effective way for novice students to gain a level of experience and skills necessary for entry level Culinary/Hospitality Service work.
The Hospitality/Culinary field of work entails performing tasks and specific types of labor in a regulated dynamic environment.  In order to perform effectively in an intense work environment one needs to be able to obtain a level of understanding of the tasks performed. As well as a working knowledge of specific types of techniques utilized to safely perform tasks.  There also is the fact that foodservice operations require all workers to obtain a certification for Food Handling before being able to work in an operation.
A complex set of skills combined with the knowledge of how to engage the public in an effective and proper manner are addressed in the Culinary BootCamp course.  
Developed by Professional Chefs and Hospitality specialist, the objective is take the novice through an immersive hands-ons tasks driven course that mimics the conditions found in the commercial kitchen and foodservice operation.  All aspects of a commercial operation are covered in detail and specific training.
The other objective of the Culinary BootCamp is to gain a unique set of life skills that are not touched upon by the current system in place for our teens that are entering the work world.  The discipline and awareness that need to be developed to be an effective worker are results of the practices created by Culinary BootCamp.
The manual contains the recipes and cookery techniques that the cadets used to provide the Final Drill foodservice.    To follow the course and to cook the food in their way will lead to gaining a great ability.  The ability to feed yourself and others.  One of the greatest benefits of the Culinary BootCamp.